Trees - general advice

Who owns or is responsible for a tree?

Many residents contact the council with similar questions in relation to trees. These may be trees they own or just want to find out information on a specific tree.

Who owns or is responsible for a tree?

  • Trees, shrubs or bushes in Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council's parks, open space or countryside sites, contact Green Spaces: complete our green spaces contact form or telephone 01455 255728
  • Trees in council house gardens or communal areas on council house sites: telephone Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council Housing Repairs on 01455 255935
  • Trees in parish open spaces outside Hinckley: contact the Clerk to the Parish Council 
  • Trees growing in the pavement or highway verge are managed by Leicestershire County Council: email or telephone 0116 305 0001
  • Privately owned trees or overgrown hedges encroaching upon or endangering the highway or public footpaths should be reported to Leicestershire County Council: email or telephone 0116 305 0001
  • Trees on other sites belonging to Leicestershire County Council: email or telephone 0116 305 5000
  • To identify land ownership regarding privately owned trees: contact the land registry (, telephone 0300 006 0411

 Last updated: 20/12/2024 10:23