Infectious diseases relating to food

About infectious diseases

There are certain infectious diseases in the United Kingdom, detailed in legislation, which are notifiable to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), formerly known as Public Health England (PHE). List of notifiable diseases (GOV.UK)

Often investigations are carried out by either officers from UKHSA and/or environmental health officers employed by local councils, who will attempt to trace the source of infection and take any necessary steps to prevent further spread of the disease.

Our environmental health officers primarily become involved in investigations of foodborne notifiable infectious diseases in order to identify and prevent the spread of infectious disease throughout the community.

Below are links to more information on the infectious diseases which our environmental health officers commonly investigate:

E. coli outbreak

Following the recent E.coli outbreak, UKHSA have issued an update and general advice: E Coli advice from UKHSA (GOV.UK)

Last updated: ‎18‎/‎06‎/‎2024‎ ‎13‎:‎51‎