More about air quality

Stages in air quality monitoring

The National Air Quality Strategy sets out three stages of review and assessment for councils to follow.

Stage one:

  • Involves a simple analysis of each pollutant. If significant quantities of one or more of the pollutants are found, stage two is put into action

Stage two:

  • A more detailed analysis is carried out using existing data in order to estimate maximum concentrations of air pollution within the borough. If it is unlikely that the required levels will be met, stage three is put into place

Stage three:

  • Involves a detailed study of specific locations possibly resulting in the area becoming an air quality management area (AQMA) which involves a 12-month assessment to establish exact sources and the extent to which the national objectives will be breached

Air quality annual status reports

Download the air quality annual status report 2023 (PDF)

To obtain copies of previous years' reports, please contact Environmental Health: Environmental Health contact form

Last updated: ‎05‎/‎06‎/‎2024‎ ‎16‎:‎13‎