Ask for Angela - Get help during a date

Planning a date?

As well as what to wear and a list of conversation starters, make sure you also take some time to think about the best venue.

Across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, the Ask for Angela scheme is available in various pubs and bars.

So if you’re on a date and find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, such as feeling unsafe or finding that your date isn’t who they said they were, or even if things just don’t feel quite right, you can go to the bar and ask for Angela.

Staff in various venues have been trained to recognise that the safe word ‘Angela’ means that there may be a problem. They can then offer to call a taxi for you, provide a safe place for you to call a friend, or help you to leave the venue discreetly if you are feeling unsafe due to your date’s actions, words or behaviour.

To find out more information or to sign up to the Ask for Angela initiative, contact the Community Safety Team on 01455 238141.

Last updated: 21/01/2025 12:52