Online services unavailable

Due to annual billing, business rates online services will be unavailable 17 to 24 February. Council tax and benefits online services will be unavailable 20 to 24 February. Sorry for any inconvenience

Change of circumstances

You are required to notify the council of any change in circumstances that will affect your liability for council tax within 21 days of the event occurring. If you need any information about council tax, please contact the Council Tax Section.

Council tax: change of name or address

To register for council tax at a new address (for example, if you've moved home), please complete the change of address form

After submitting your form, the Council Tax Team will process the change and will send you a new bill.

To tell Council Tax about a name change, please complete the Council Tax contact form

If you're moving home, find out how to get a council tax refund

Other services: change of name or address

If you need to tell us about a name/address change which relates to another service (not council tax), please complete our change of name or address form

Any service you select will be notified of the change.

Electoral services

Electoral Services will automatically be notified of your change when you complete the change of name or address form.

Other changes