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Corporate Plan 2024 to 2028

A place of opportunity

Our corporate plan for 2024 to 2028 sets out our vision in creating great places to live, work and enjoy. This plan will be supported and delivered by council services working together as one team and with trusted partners in accordance with the council’s key values. Commitments set out in this plan will not duplicate or replace existing partner responsibilities or functions.

People: Helping people to stay safe, healthy, active, and in employment

Places: Creating clean, sustainable and attractive places to live, visit and work in

Prosperity: Encouraging sustainable commercial economic and housing growth, as well as attracting businesses, improving skills and supporting regeneration 


Over the next four years and beyond we will:

  1. Help people to stay healthy, happy and active and continue to provide initiatives that support children and young people, older people and our vulnerable residents
  2. Maximise our residents’ potential through employment and skills support
  3. Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
Children playing in sand

To do this, we will:

  • Improve the quality of existing homes and increase the availability of affordable housing
  • Work to prevent all forms of homelessness
  • Deliver and monitor our cost-of-living support programme
  • Work with partners to deliver local skills and employment programmes
  • Support workplace health initiatives
  • Promote and deliver a wide range of preventative health interventions
  • Maximise opportunities to participate in physical activity working with sports and health partners
  • Deliver housing related health projects
  • Be proactive in tackling emerging community safety threats
  • Launch prevention initiatives, including burglary campaigns
  • Work with partners to prevent and reduce incidents of violence, including domestic violence
  • Work with partners to develop the capacity of the local voluntary sector
  • Make the best use of technology to widen our customers’ access to our services whilst ensuring customers retain choice in their contact methods
  • Include other partners at the Hub to maximise its use and expand accessibility for our residents


Shaping development of the borough 

Over the next four years and beyond we will: 

  1. Adopt a new and ambitious local plan
  2.  Work towards a greener borough
  3.  Promote sustainable development and initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint of the borough
Hollycroft park

To do this we will:

  • Improve planning performance for customers
  • Adopt the new open space strategy and improve our green spaces by implementing the actions in the new green space delivery plan
  • Oppose inappropriate development including the Hinckley National Rail Freight proposal
  • Deliver campaigns on litter, fly tipping and dog fouling
  • Ensure effective enforcement to tackle issues including breaches of planning control
  • Increase recycling including the introduction of a new weekly food waste collection with government funding
  • Expand and deliver community tree planting schemes
  • Increase access to electric vehicle charging points across the borough
  • Secure Green Flag status for our parks and adopting new open spaces
  • Promote bio-diversity and produce a refreshed Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategy
  • Reduce the carbon emissions from our own operations
  • Develop the Parish and Community Initiative Fund to renew focus on climate change/biodiversity
  • Launch a new community equipment grant for the rural areas
  • Deliver the actions in the Rural Strategy


Town centres

Over the next four years and beyond we will:

  1. Enhance and promote our town centres
  2. Adopt new plans for our key towns
  3. Deliver our UK Shared Prosperity Fund Programme
Hinckley market

To do this, we will:

  • Continue to market and promote our town centres, with campaigns to tackle vacant units
  • Support and work collaboratively with Hinckley Business Improvement District
  • Deliver our annual events programme
  • Target key eyesore sites that require improvement
  • Commission a new masterplan for Hinckley town centre
  • Refresh Earl Shilton and Barwell town plans
  • Renew or refresh street furniture within the town centres
  • Offer shop front improvement schemes across the borough
  • Support delivery of Market Bosworth public realm and transport improvement scheme


Over the next four years and beyond we will:

  1. Boost a wide range of opportunities for economic growth and regeneration by encouraging investment and green growth to provide new jobs as well as more places to live and work across the borough 
  2. Support the regeneration and enhancement of our town centres
  3. Continue to boost tourism by working with partners to promote local attractions and grow the visitor economy


To do this, we will:

  • Deliver levelling up economic projects and programmes through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund
  • Market and promote the borough to both visitors and shoppers
  • Refresh our Economic Regeneration Strategy
  • Promote opportunities for inward investment and green energy infrastructure at MIRA Technology Park
  • Work with partners to boost opportunities for training, employment and housing
  • Deliver Twycross National Science and Conservation Centre
  • Provide advice and support services to local businesses
  • Secure a new site for employment development at Station Field in Market Bosworth
  • Launch work on installing new Bosworth 1485 Sculpture Trail
  • Develop new Tourism Strategy for the borough
  • Explore all options to deliver a new crematorium
  • Identify further investment and income generation opportunities linked to the council’s Investment Strategy
  • Refresh the Heritage Strategy
  • Continue to support our rural parishes

Contact us about the Corporate Plan

The Hinckley Hub
Rugby Road
LE10 0FR