Earl Shilton and Barwell AAP - examination in public


The history of the Area Action Plan Examination in Public

The Borough Council has prepared an area action plan Area Action Plan (AAP) for Earl Shilton and Barwell, two settlements within the borough's main urban area. The AAP is intended to form part of the borough's Local Plan 2006 to 2026.

The Earl Shilton and Barwell AAP will provide the development framework for Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUEs) at Earl Shilton and Barwell to guide the Borough Council, developers and others investing in the future of the settlements over the period to 2026.

The AAP was the subject of pre-submission consultation between 30 August 2013 and 14 October 2013.

The council formally submitted the AAP to the Secretary of State on 11 December 2013. An independent inspector was appointed to carry out a public examination and report on the AAP.

Examination news

4 August 2014
The Inspector’s final report (PDF) on the examination into the Earl Shilton and Barwell Area Action Plan has been received. The Inspector concludes that the Earl Shilton and Barwell AAP is sound and can be adopted subject to the incorporation of the Inspector’s recommended main modifications which can be viewed in the annex to the report.

The council will now be making the necessary modifications before the document is presented to council for approval to adopt the AAP and its subsequent publication.

15 July 2014
The consultation period on the main modifications has now finished. The Inspector is now working on his report, which will be sent to the council for fact checking. When the council has completed their fact checking and the Inspector has responded to any points raised, the report will be submitted to the council. The council will then be in a position to consider adopting the plan.

2 June 2014 
A schedule of main modifications to the Earl Shilton and Barwell AAP has now been prepared, and these main modifications are subject to public consultation for six weeks from Monday, 2 June 2014 to 5pm on Monday, 14 July 2014 inclusive to give all interested parties the opportunity to comment on the proposed modifications (changes) before the Inspector completes his report. A copy of the Inspector’s report will be sent to the council for ‘fact checking’ as soon as possible after the close of the six week consultation period. The council will then have two weeks to fact check the report. Subject to this the council should be in a position to consider adopting the AAP.

Before comments are submitted, please read:

  • The Schedule of Main Modifications
  • The Earl Shilton and Barwell AAP

4 April 2014
The hearing sessions finished on 3 April 2014. The final version of the suggested main modifications, as agreed by the Inspector, will be subject to public consultation so that the Inspector can consider any representations on them prior to submitting his report. Public consultation is likely to start in May.

25 March 2014 
The Inspector has issued:

  • The Agenda for matter three (IN 09)
  • The Agenda for matter four (IN 10)

20 March 2014
The Inspector has issued:

  • The Agenda for matter one and the opening of the hearing (IN 07) 
  • The Agenda for matter two (IN 08)

19 March 2014
The Inspector has issued an explanatory note on the new National Planning Practice Guidance which was published on 6 March 2014. This is NAT 02 in the Examination Library.

10 March 2014
Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council has now submitted their supplementary statements to the Inspector.

Statements have been received from participants in response to the Inspectors initial questions.

16 February 2014
The Inspector issued the following documents regarding the examination:

  • Guidance Notes
  • Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs)
  • Procedural Note No. 1
  • First draft of timetable for hearing sessions, which is subject to change once the Inspector has considered the supplementary statements to the issues raised in his MIQs  


The Secretary of State has appointed John R. Mattocks, BSC DipTP MRTPI FRGS as the Inspector for the Earl Shilton and Barwell AAP examination. His role is to test both the legal compliance and soundness of the AAP.

Programme Officer

The examination process will be administered by the Programme Officer, Mrs Jane Strachan. Mrs Strachan is independent of the council and reports directly to the appointed Inspector. Any correspondence or queries relating to the examination should be directed to her at the following address:

Mrs Jane Strachan
Programme Officer - Earl Shilton and Barwell AAP
c/o Development Services
Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council
Hinckley Hub, Rugby Road
Hinckley, Leicestershire
LE10 0FR (Using a sat nav? Please use the postcode LE10 0PR)

Email: hinckley.programmeofficer@sky.com
Tel: 07895 240555

Guidance notes

The Inspector has produced initial Guidance notes to assist everyone who wishes to be involved in the examination.

Pre-hearing meeting (PHM)

There will not be a PHM. The Guidance Notes provide advice on the administrative aspects of the examination, including deadlines for supplementary statements and how these should be produced. It is important that all those who intend to participate actively in the examination should read the Guidance Notes carefully.

Procedural note

The Inspector has prepared a procedural note which gives the context and scope of the examination.

Matters, issues and questions (MIQs)

The Inspector has prepared a list of Matters, Issues and questions (MIQs). These matters and issues will be investigated during the examination. The questions will relate to the issues and will be investigated at the hearings part of the examination or may be dealt with through communication at an earlier stage where appropriate.

A list of names of those who, it appears to the Inspector, have made representation(s) on the identified Matters and Issues is available to view. These representors' now have the opportunity to submit a supplementary statement which addresses only the issues raised by the Inspector in the MIQs. Supplementary statements should be submitted to the Programme Officer by mid-day on Monday, 10 March 2014.

Examination hearing

The dates of the hearing sessions are programmed for Thursday, 27 March and Friday, 28 March and Wednesday, 2 April and Thursday, 3 April 2014. Each day will start promptly at 9.30 am. Afternoon sessions will start at 1.45pm. The sessions will be held in the De Montfort Suite at the council's offices, address below:

Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council
Hinckley Hub
Rugby Road
LE10 0FR (Using a sat nav? Please use the postcode LE10 0PR)

Only those who made representation seeking a change to the AAP are normally entitled to take part in the hearing sessions. The hearing sessions are open to the public, so anyone may attend as an observer. Observers cannot take part in the discussions.

View the draft timetable for the hearing sessions.

Documents available for inspection

The examination library containing the AAP, representations, submission and associated documents were updated regularly as the examination progresses. Hard copies of the documents in the Examination library are available to inspect at the council's offices, address above, but please request this from us before visiting.

Last updated: 24/01/2025 11:12