Health and safety at work


The Commercial Team in Environmental Health has the responsibility of enforcing health and safety legislation in relation to some 1,500 workplaces in the borough.

These premises consist of offices, shops, catering premises (such as restaurants, hotels and cafes), leisure facilities and warehouses.

The commercial team carries out its work by:

  • Giving advice to new and existing businesses
  • Carrying out routine health and safety inspections
  • Investigating complaints in relation to health and safety matters in workplaces
  • Investigating the causes of accidents in the workplace
  • Promoting health and safety in the workplace by campaigns and initiatives 

The Health and Safety Executive ( regulates and enforces health and safety for farms, factories, building sites and other manufacturing activities.

Last updated: ‎09‎/‎07‎/‎2024‎ ‎11‎:‎32‎