Asset management

What is asset management?

Asset Management is the co-ordinated long-term development and maintenance of council-owned properties. It is a strategic approach to conserving the value of the assets held within the authority, challenging their use and predicting their future operational requirements.

Why carry out asset management?

The management of the council's assets is essential in delivering the council's vision of 'A Place of Opportunity'.

The council's assets are investments in property and their management aims to deliver the maximum benefit for the borough.

The lease management of the authority's numerous industrial, retail and commercial units provides opportunities for new and growing businesses within the area, as well as generating a constant revenue stream to the council. This revenue helps to subsidise the council's services and helps in reducing the reliance on council taxation.

Who is responsible for asset management?

The Corporate Property Officer is Malcolm Evans who oversees the production and delivery of the aims and objectives of the Asset Management Plan (AMP). A small team of surveyors within the department are responsible for managing the Commercial Estate, Facilities Management and Major Projects for the Council.

Last updated: ‎15/05/2024, 10:28