Men's health
Mental health

Looking after our mental health is as important as looking after our physical health. Mental health problems are more common than people think; one in four people will be affected by mental illness in any year. Common problems include depression and anxiety that affect the way that we cope with everyday life.
Following the steps below can help to protect good mental health and wellbeing:
- Keep active - exercise can lift your mood and be an outlet for stress, help you sleep and look and feel better. Walking, gardening and housework can keep you active
- Eat well - certain vitamins and minerals found in oily fish, fruit and vegetables and wholegrain foods can provide vital nutrition to help with common mental health problems
- Stay hydrated - water is important for mental health – it may help to set an alarm to remind you to drink more water throughout the day. Alcohol dehydrates and is a depressant so drink in moderation
- Talk about your feelings - ask for help from friends, family or community group. It isn’t a sign of weakness to talk about your feelings; it’s part of taking charge of your wellbeing
- Be creative - read a book, listen to music, play a game, draw or paint
- Take a break and relax - learn relaxing breathing techniques or go for a walk. Give yourself space to think, rest and play
- Connect with nature - get as much sunlight and fresh air as you can as this can have huge benefits on your mood and reduce stress levels. This could be by spending time in your garden or opening your windows
Support available
MIND charity
If you feel like you are suffering from a form of mental health problem, that’s okay. There are great services available for you who offer support and guidance such as MIND.
MIND provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. MIND are a dedicated charity who are determined for everyone experiencing a mental health problem to get support and respect.
On their website they have information regarding the different types of mental health problems, drugs and treatments available along with relevant steps for helping someone else.
Find out more ( or contact them on 020 8519 2122.
SANE ( is a UK wide mental health charity. SANE work to improve the quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness.
SANE has three main objectives:
- To raise awareness and combat stigma about mental illness, educating and campaigning to improve mental health services
- To provide care and emotional support for people with mental health problems, their families and carers as well as information for other organisations and the public
- To initiate research into the causes and treatments of serious mental illness such as schizophrenia and depression and the psychological and social impact of mental illness
Mental Health Matters offer support services in Hinckley and Bosworth. They normally offer a 12-week community based mental health support but at the present time are offering free telephone support. People can self refer to this service on 0300 323 0189 or email There is also a 24/7 free helpline service for people to call if feeling they need to chat with someone on 0300 323 0187.
If you are worried about your own mental health or someone’s you care about and it doesn’t seem to be getting better please talk to your GP.
For further help and support ( or contact the Samaritans on 116 123 or
Mensoar – the peer support network for men in Leicestershire
For many men, it can seem easier to bottle everything up and never talk about how they are feeling. However, it’s often a lot healthier and better for our well-being to speak up and talk about whatever is going on.
With that in mind, Mensoar is there to assist you on this journey towards gaining confidence when talking about your mental health. They are dedicated to supporting men, and through working together, creating a positive mental health environment for you, your friends and your family to thrive.
Four things that Mensoar provide:
- Peer support groups
- Regular webinars
- Wellness hub
- Training
Mentell provides free circles for men aged 18 and over to talk (or just listen) in a safe and confidential space.
This is a free service that allows men to come together in a safe space to listen and/or talk. This is an online two-hour slot on Mondays between 7pm and 9 pm with a 10 minute break in the middle. At no point is any member under any obligation to talk and members do not put expectations on others to talk either.
Further information:
Suicide prevention
If you're feeling like you want to die, it's important to tell someone. Help and support is available right now if you need it. You don't have to struggle with difficult feelings alone. You could phone a helpline. These free helplines are there to help when you're feeling down or desperate. Unless it says otherwise, they're open 24 hours a day, every day.
Physical activity and mental health
There are many studies which have shown that doing physical activity can improve mental health. Some of the benefits are as follows:
- Better sleep: by making you feel more tired at the end of the day
- Happier moods: physical activity releases feel-good hormones that make you feel better in yourself and give you more energy
- Managing stress, anxiety or intrusive and racing thoughts: doing something physical releases cortisol which helps us manage stress. Being physically active also gives your brain something to focus on and can be a positive coping strategy for difficult times
Further information about physical activity and mental health (
Last updated: 21/02/2024 08:58