Strategic Growth Plan for Leicester and Leicestershire

The Strategic Growth Plan Leicester and Leicestershire

About the plan

The Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Growth Plan puts forward proposals for future development, including housing provision that will be needed to support population change, meet housing needs and support economic growth from now until 2050. The Strategic Growth Plan was developed by a partnership made up of the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council and the seven local borough and district authorities. The plan was approved in 2018.

The final version of the Strategic Growth Plan was considered by this council’s Scrutiny Commission on 8 November 2018 and then put to Council on 27 November 2018, where it was endorsed by members.

A copy of the final Strategic Growth Plan is provided: Final adopted Strategic Growth Plan (PDF)

Find out more about the Strategic Growth Plan Leicester & Leicestershire (

Strategic Growth Options and Constraints Mapping Study and Strategic Transport Assessment Stage 1

These studies were jointly commissioned by the Leicester & Leicestershire Authorities to inform the delivery of the Strategic Growth Plan.  

The Strategic Growth Options and Constraints Mapping Study has been prepared by AECOM to assist the partnership when considering locational choices around delivery of the long-term vision set out within the Strategic Growth Plan to 2050 and to determine whether they offer suitable and appropriate solutions to deliver sustainable locations for new communities and economic growth.

The Strategic Transport Assessment Stage 1 was prepared by Leicestershire County Council as the Local Transport Authority, commissioned in a consultancy role for this piece of work. Through assessing and comparing the respective transport implications of four differing housing distribution scenarios between 2036 and 2051, it is intended to provide a further piece of evidence to help identify how growth should be distributed across Leicester & Leicestershire over the long term.

These studies are technical evidence, and their publication is intended to support the delivery of the Strategic Growth Plan, not dictate decision-making processes for any individual local planning authority given local plans remain of primary importance.

View or download these documents:

Further information on the publication of these studies (

Last updated: ‎03/06/2024 09:00