Council housing - rents
Difficulty in paying your rent
If your ability to pay your rent has been adversely affected by the increase in the cost of living, then please contact us using our tenancy management contact form or telephone us on 01455 255861.
If you are struggling to afford rent payments, the council is sympathetic to financial problems and has trained staff in place to help you with arrangements for the repayment of any outstanding rent. Repayments can, in most cases, be made by instalments. However, to do this, you must make an agreement with a member of the Rents Team. If you make an agreement you must keep to it in order to avoid further action being taken against you.
If you find that you are unable to make your full rent payment, you should contact the Rents Team immediately. Members of staff will be able to offer advice and guidance to help you reduce any arrears that may be outstanding.
Please note: Your rent is your priority debt and should be one of the first to be paid. For this reason it is important that you notify the council immediately if you find yourself in difficulty. Non-payment of rent can lead to eviction and the loss of your home.
Last updated: 23/01/2025 12:48