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How to report an abandoned vehicle
Report an abandoned vehicle
If you notice a vehicle(s) that seems abandoned, you can report this to the Borough Council. If deemed as abandoned, we will then investigate and remove. When reporting incidents, please provide the following information:
- Date vehicle seen (vehicle needs to have been at the location for 14 days or more)
- Location of the vehicle:
- Exact location (car park, park or open space, street name and nearest landmark, village)
- What3words location - You have the option of providing a What3words location (what3words.com)
- Condition of the vehicle, for example, burnt out or vandalised
- Make and model of vehicle
- Registration number
- Colour of vehicle
- If you know whether the vehicle is taxed
- If you know whether the vehicle has an owner
- Other information that may be relevant
We also ask for your details because this will help us if the location given is a local name and not easy to find on our maps. We can also provide feedback as required.
Please note that we can investigate an abandoned vehicle on your land if you, as the landlord or landowner, provide a written request for us to investigate the abandoned vehicle. You can upload this request in the online form.
Before reporting a vehicle to us as an abandoned vehicle, you can check its tax status (GOV.UK). Since the vast majority of vehicles tend to be untaxed, this quick check would help you provide us with the most up-to-date information in your report.
Please note that obstructively parked vehicles should be reported to the police on the non-emergency number 101 or Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.
Have you got a vehicle that needs to be disposed of for scrap? Remember that scrap metal can be valuable so you should be able to find a local company who will purchase your vehicle. These companies are likely to advertise in the local papers and the yellow pages' directory.
Last updated: 29/10/2024 12:08