Local heritage list

To protect our local heritage, we are planning to compile a local heritage list and are inviting residents of the borough to get involved.
The local heritage list will identify local heritage assets that should be protected because of their contribution to local character, but do not meet the criteria to be statutorily listed. When adopted by us, the local heritage list will form an evidence base to inform decision-making on planning applications. The significance of the asset will be taken into consideration when assessing any proposals.
The Good Practice Guide for Local Heritage Listing (english-heritage.org.uk) is designed to assist local authorities, community groups and other interested stakeholders to identify and manage significant local heritage assets by using a local heritage list.
If you wish to be part of the process, require further information/clarification or would like to discuss a potential asset, please contact us: Planning Policy contact form
Nominations for the inclusion of assets in the list can be submitted by any individual:
- View the selection criteria
- Complete the nomination form
The selection criteria have been refined to take into account local characteristics and we welcome your views.
All nominations received will be assessed for their suitability prior to being endorsed.
Last updated: 15/11/2024 12:29