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Neighbourhood watch

Neighbourhood Watch case studies

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Case study one

A local Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) co-ordinator and a number of her scheme members raised the issue that Earl Shilton did not have a community defibrillator. With the assistance of Helen Cobley, NHW Development Worker, the local Lions Club was approached and they generously offered to buy the defibrillator. 

The Methodist Church agreed to it being sited on their wall and East Midlands Ambulance Service delivered two awareness sessions to residents and people who work in the town to show them how to use the defibrillator. The defibrillator is checked by a resident on a weekly basis to ensure it is working correctly. Local shops have collection tins which are used to help maintain or replace the defibrillator.

Over the 18 months that the defibrillator had been in place, it has been called upon three times.

Case study two

Helen Cobley, NHW Development Worker, was asked by a co-ordinator and his deputy what could be done to stop the number of large lorries entering Earl Shilton to access a company based outside the area. Concerns about the vehicles had been raised by residents. A meeting was arranged with the company, along with the NHW co-ordinator, his deputy, the local councillor and a member of the local police beat team to discuss the issue. The company agreed to help fund some large signs to divert the lorries away from Earl Shilton, and Helen worked with both the company and the councillor so that the new signs were put up.

Case study three

Following the removal of a central pedestrian island at a particularly wide junction in Earl Shilton, many residents were afraid to cross a large busy junction. Working alongside a NHW co-ordinator representing residents from a supported housing scheme, Helen Cobley organised a petition, which many residents signed. This was taken to the Borough Council and the central pedestrian island was reinstated.

Carlton Neighbourhood Watch

Carlton Neighbourhood Watch is our informal community group that exists to help Carlton stay safe, as well as increasing knowledge of local crime and policing matters and encouraging neighbourliness.

Although Carlton is only a small village, 71 people are registered and receive a monthly email with details of crime in the area, as well as any Leicestershire Police alerts from the Upbeat circular. Both the Rural Watch text service, which gives live updates of local issues, and the national NHW alerts on "scams" are also passed on locally. 

The group is deliberately informal. However, by having a central coordinator, they are able to provide a quick focus point for any residents who have concerns and offer a speedy way of passing on urgent issues. The group's success is measured partly in low crime rates, but sadly this is not always within their control. A better measure is the Carlton community spirit, where neighbours are encouraged to be vigilant and look out for one another, especially the more vulnerable members.

See also:

Last updated: ‎28/11/2024 09:35