Domestic abuse help

What help is available?

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Services in Leicestershire for confidential help and advice:

  • Helpline and Engagement Service – provided by Free from Violence and Abuse (FREEVA). FREEVA offer a range of services for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence (DA/SV). They are the ‘front door’ into any domestic/sexual abuse and will complete an initial support, advice and assessment to access DA/SV support across Leicestershire. As appropriate, service users will receive further ongoing support from relevant services (including one-to-one, groupwork both face to face and via digital platforms, refuge and dispersed accommodation). Contact 0808 8020028
  • Leicestershire Safe Accommodation Support Service – provided by Women’s Aid Leicestershire Limited (WALL). WALL are the local refuge support specialist service providers offering refuge accommodation to those affected by domestic/sexual violence that requires emergency accommodation to flee to a place of safety. Further information can be found by visiting women's aid Leicestershire (
  • Domestic Abuse Locality Service – provided by Living Without Abuse (LWA). LWA provides information, advice, guidance and practical and emotional support to anybody experiencing domestic abuse in Leicestershire. The service also offers outreach support to all victims of domestic abuse. Further information can be found by visiting living without abuse (
  • Women's Aid - Women's Aid is the key national charity in England for women and children experiencing physical, sexual or emotional abuse in their homes. Freephone 24/7 National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000247
  • Men’s Advice Line – Helpline  0808 8010327, email or further information on respect men's advice line (
  • Galop – provides advocacy and casework support for LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse or violence. Helpline 0800 9995428 or further information by visiting galop (
  • Age UK – Telephone 0800 6781174
  • NSPCC – Telephone 0808 8005000
  • The Hideout ( - the national domestic violence website for children and young people
  • Samaritans – Telephone 0845 7909090

Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council recognises domestic abuse as a serious crime. We are committed in supporting residents and tenants who are victims of this crime. We have a dedicated Domestic Abuse Outreach Service that offers confidential advice and support on all domestic abuse issues.

You can contact our Domestic Abuse Outreach Service in the following ways:

  • Complete our online domestic abuse contact form
  • Telephone:
    • Call or text 07966 202181
    • 01455 238141 and ask to speak to the Domestic Abuse Service

Further information:

Last updated: 04/06/2024 13:25