Outdoor gyms in the borough
The benefits of an outdoor gym
There are many benefits to an outdoor gym. These include:
- Outdoor gyms are free. This ensures fun activity opportunities are available to all
- Community facility open to all adults and young people aged over 14 years
- You don't need to own any sports kit or equipment
- Right at the heart of the community. This means you can get active in a familiar and trusted space without going into the gym environment
- Work at a pace and time to suit the individual
- Promotes wellbeing and improves mobility
- Promotes activity across generations
- They provide you with the chance to be active with your community, bringing people together to be active and have fun
- You can make up a host of fun games and activities to enjoy with friends and family whilst visiting the local park
- Reduces risk of experiencing osteoarthritis by 83%
- Can help reduce falls among older adults
- Releases endorphins the 'happy' chemical that helps depression
- Lowers the risk of dementia up to 30%
- Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and strokes
- Supports and lowers the risk of type two diabetes
- It's open all hours
Last updated: 07/02/2024 10:53