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Mental health information
Mental health support services for residents
If you need advice on, or support with a particular issue, this page lists some organisations working in the borough of Hinckley and Bosworth who might be able to help.
Mind supported self-help
The supported self-help programme aims to give you the skills to understand, protect, and improve your mental health. Your mental health matters and Mind believes that anyone who is experiencing mental health problems should be able to get the help and support they need, when they need it.
Supported self-help is a six-session early intervention programme for anyone who is starting to experience symptoms of worsening mental health. It has been developed with people who have lived with mental health problems, and professionals, to provide tools to support your mental well-being as soon as you need it. More information about this programme and Mind's other services: Supported Self Help - Mind (llrmind.org)
Hinckley and Bosworth mental health, wellbeing and recovery service
The mental health, well-being and recovery service helps anyone aged 18 plus who is experiencing emotional and mental health problems, as well as their carers, by providing advice, information and support. They can help you to maintain and improve your emotional and mental wellbeing, become empowered to achieve your goals, and to live a meaningful and valued life within the community. They offer this via information and guidance, one-to-one support and group support.
The mental health, wellbeing and recovery Service also offer drop in sessions in different locations. Find more information about mental health matters (mhm.org.uk).
Vita Health Group
Vita Health Group can support anyone aged 16 years and over, who is registered with a GP, and lives within Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. They can provide support for multiple mental health concerns via their Talking Therapies service for adults. The Vita Health Group offers a free and confidential service that can provide psychological support on a one-to-one or group basis. Find out more about Talking Therapies (vitahealthgroup.co.uk)
Neighbourhood mental health cafes
Our borough also hosts multiple neighbourbood mental health cafes for drop-in support when you're strugging to cope. Find out more information about locations and opening times (leicspart.nhs.uk)
Other useful links and contacts
- NHS services (leicspart.nhs.uk): Signposting, leaflets, posters and helpful documents for your mental health and well-being support needs
- Central Access Point (leicspart.nhs.uk): For urgent support available for residents 24 hours a day, seven days a week: 08000 800 3302
Last updated: 19/02/2025 15:01