Online services unavailable

Due to annual billing, business rates online services will be unavailable 17 to 24 February. Council tax and benefits online services will be unavailable 20 to 24 February. Sorry for any inconvenience

Environmental permits

What is LA-IPPC?

Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (LA-IPPC) is a system which applies an integrated environmental approach to regulate certain industrial activities.

Examples of activities:

  • Certain galvanising activities
  • Certain ceramic activities

LA-IPPC involves determining the appropriate controls for industry to protect the environment through a single permitting process. This means that emissions to air, water (including discharges to sewers) and land, plus a range of other activities with an environmental impact, must be considered together.

It also means that local authorities must set permit conditions to achieve a high level of protection for the environment as a whole. These conditions must be based on the use of the 'Best Available Techniques' (BAT).

Further information:


Last updated:‎ ‎09‎/‎04‎/‎2024‎ ‎13‎:‎17‎