Environmental permits

What is LA-IPPC?

Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (LA-IPPC) is a system which applies an integrated environmental approach to regulate certain industrial activities.

Examples of activities:

  • Certain galvanising activities
  • Certain ceramic activities

LA-IPPC involves determining the appropriate controls for industry to protect the environment through a single permitting process. This means that emissions to air, water (including discharges to sewers) and land, plus a range of other activities with an environmental impact, must be considered together.

It also means that local authorities must set permit conditions to achieve a high level of protection for the environment as a whole. These conditions must be based on the use of the 'Best Available Techniques' (BAT).

Further information:


Last updated:‎ ‎09‎/‎04‎/‎2024‎ ‎13‎:‎17‎