Key site - Barwell SUE
Barwell sustainable urban extension

Barwell is located close to the A47 and supports Hinckley as a sub-regional centre. A sustainable urban extension on the western edge of Barwell, comprising 2500 new homes, 6.2 hectares (15 acres) of employment land, a primary school, a health centre, and retail and community facilities, is allocated within the council’s current local plan and has brought with it a focus for regeneration in the district centre of Barwell. This development has outline planning permission (12/00295/OUT) subject to the signing of a Section 106 agreement.
You can find out more about this sustainable urban extension at Earl Shilton and Barwell action plan
Further details on this site
Jamie Gibbins, Barwood Homes & Land:
- 01604 369221
Last updated: 30/09/2024, 11:37