Hinckley High Street Heritage Action Zone

Building improvement scheme

Under the Hinckley High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) building improvement scheme historic building owners and occupiers have been able to express their interest in grants to repair and reinstate traditional features to their building. To date grants have been used to reinstate timber sash windows to 124 Castle Street and repair the historic timber sash windows at 11 Castle Street.

All available funding has now been allocated to building projects, so grants are not currently available. However, the council is still accepting expressions of interest should further money for grants become available by the end of March 2024.

Grant schemes

The building improvement scheme aims to reveal and highlight the rich heritage in Hinckley by supporting the restoration and repair of historic buildings in the town with the following grant schemes:

  • Reinstate traditional shop fronts and signage:
    • Up to 90%: Grants are available for the reinstatement of historical shop front features and details
  • Restoration to the fabric of the building:
    • Up to 80%: Grants are available for the restoration of lost or hidden historic features, such as upper floor windows, rainwater goods, roof coverings, facing walls and architectural details
  • Repair the fabric of buildings:
    • Up to 50%: Grants are available for repairs to the historic building fabric using traditional building methods and materials to ensure the long-term conservation of the building

Please note grants are not means-tested, they are discretionary and there is no automatic entitlement, all grants must be applied for and will be appraised in line with guidance at the time of application.

In order to apply for a grant you will need to have legal responsibility for the building. This can be as the owner or it could be someone who has a repairing lease.

Who can express an interest?

Businesses and properties must be located with the Hinckley High Street HAZ boundary area which primarily focuses on Castle Street, Station Road, The Borough and the Market. Unsure whether your property is in this area? Check our Hinckley heritage action zone map (PDF) 

How to express an interest?

To express your interest in our building improvement scheme complete our online form. We will ask you for:

  • Your name
  • The address of your property 
  • The type of grant you are interested in (you can express your interest even if you are unsure)
  • The type of work you are seeking grant assistance for (capital works)
  • Your contact details

Express your interest in the building improvement scheme

What happens next?

Once proposed works have been identified we will contact you and discuss which works may be eligible for a grant and at what rate. Further elements eligible for a grant include valuation fees, professional fees or the other costs associated with getting statutory permissions. Work we cannot fund is conjectural reinstatement, modernisation works or free-standing maintenance and minor repairs. We cannot fund repair works to any buildings that are currently in use as a place of worship.


The grants are funded through a partnership between Historic England, the Borough Council and property owners, with intervention rates determined by the nature of eligible works. Grants will be reimbursed to the applicant upon the successful completion of works. 


The programme will emphasise traditional craftsmanship and high-quality traditional materials and must be overseen by professional advisers and contractors who specialise in historic conservation. 

Works will respect the architectural and historic interest of the building, retaining historic fabric where it exists. Designs will take reference from existing fabric and historic photographs where possible and records of the existing condition will be made for posterity. 

The programme will focus on shops and buildings of heritage importance. All applications must be from within the defined HSHAZ area. 

Specifications of work will be agreed with the HSHAZ Project Officer. They must comply with regulations including the need to obtain planning, listed building and building control consent and any obligations under other legislation. We will be able to provide you with advice on these requirements. 

Further information

If you would like further information on the Hinckley High Street Heritage Action Zone, please contact us using the details below.

Last updated: 30/05/2024 10:29