Key site - Earl Shilton SUE
Earl Shilton Sustainable Urban Extensions

Local plan allocation
Earl Shilton is located close to the A47 and supports Hinckley as a sub-regional centre. A sustainable urban extension for 1,600 new homes, a minimum of 4.5 hectares of employment land, a primary school, retail and community facilities is allocated within the council’s current local plan and has brought with it a focus for regeneration within the district centre of Earl Shilton.
Planning application
House builders Bloor Homes and Jelson Homes have submitted an outline planning application to the Borough Council for up to 1,000 homes along with a new primary school, new employment land, a community hub and play and open space as part of the Earl Shilton Sustainable Urban Development (SUE) site. This application represents approximately two thirds of the existing allocated SUE site in the Council’s Local Plan. The reference number for this planning application is: 21/01511/OUT.
Outline application to include up to 1,000 dwellings (C3) up to 5.3 hectares for employment uses comprising a mix of B2, B8 and E(g) uses, a primary school/education uses (F1), retail floor space (E) and hot food takeaway (Sui Generis) as part of a mixed use local centre/community hub (E/F1/F2/C3), two vehicular accesses from the A47, limited access from Breach Lane, vehicular access from Mill Lane, public open space including sustainable urban drainage systems and the provision of associated infrastructure and ancillary works and demolition of former girl guide building (outline - access only)(EIA development).
The public consultation on the planning application (21/01511/OUT) will run for 30 days from Wednesday 9 February 2022. To view the documents or make a comment online, visit view and comment on a planning application and search for planning application reference 21/01511/OUT.
Another planning application will be submitted imminently for the remaining 1/3 of the site and this page will be updated with these details when the consultation begins on the second application.
Further details on this site
Julie Morgan, Barwood Land:
- 01604 369217
Max Whitehead, Bloor Homes:
- 01827 302000
Rob Thorley, Jelson Homes:
- 0116 2661541
Last updated: 03/01/2025 13:46