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Economic development and regeneration strategy

About the strategy

The Borough Council has economic regeneration as a key corporate priority and has delivered significant outcomes linked to its former adopted Economic Regeneration Strategy. A number of key drivers now influence the need for a refresh and publication of a new Economic Regeneration Strategy to take us forward to 2025. Of immediate need is to include policies to help the local economic recovery from the unprecedented situation that the UK overall is facing in terms of the COVID-19 pandemic. A further influence will be the impact of Brexit now the UK has left the EU Single Market and Customs Union, and how the end of the transition period will affect the local economy and businesses. This Strategy sets out the vision and aims for ensuring the whole borough prospers from economic recovery and growth over the next five years.

The strategy has the following vision:

  • To have a vibrant location with a competitive and thriving sustainable local economy across the whole of the borough
  • To work towards sustained economic recovery from the COVID pandemic
  • To attract and sustain investment, business growth and entrepreneurship
  • To have a flexible and skilled workforce enabling sustainable communities and allocation where people want to live and work, because good quality jobs are available in both the urban and rural areas of the borough
  • To enable an environment of partnership and collaboration, where the private, voluntary and public sectors come together to invest in the future of the borough

The strategy has key actions aligned to the following themes: Places, Prosperity, People, Wellbeing, Climate Change and to work in partnership to fulfil the economic potential of the area.

Last updated: 13/03/2024 08:39