How to do business with the council

Information for suppliers

This section contains information on what we require from your company in order to do business with us, and information on how we are working with local suppliers. 

General guidance on what Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council expects from our suppliers

Before supplying to Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council (HBBC), we will request certain information about your company. This will usually be in the form of a corporate standard questionnaire, adapted to suit the nature of the business for which you will be considered. 
This covers questions in the following general categories:

  • Financial status
  • Health and safety
  • Equal opportunities
  • Environmental management
  • Technical capacity
  • Insurances
  • References

The information that we request is necessarily in-depth, in order for us to make an accurate assessment of your company's suitability. This includes ensuring compliance with current legislation and concordance with the council's own policies and procedures. However, failure to provide all of the details that we ask for will not automatically lead to exclusion. We are committed to the development of local suppliers and there are a number of sources of help and advice available to assist you in meeting our criteria.

Last updated: ‎15/05/2024 10:34