The council's procurement strategy

About the procurement strategy

The council's procurement strategy is as follows:

'Procurement decisions will be made in accordance with the Procurement Framework. The process will be auditable, transparent and support the implementation of the authority's planned and strategic responsibilities (Community Plan, key strategies and so forth), ensuring challenging consideration of procurement options.'

Have a look at our procurement strategy on this page.

What are our procurement practices?

Our procurement practices are designed to:

  • Be transparent, auditable and reasonable, taking into account examples of best practice
  • Follow all relevant UK law
  • Follow the council's own finance and contract procedure rules
  • Support the council's strategic priorities throughout the procurement process
  • Deliver outcomes that meet service needs promptly through a planned approach, ensuring legal and good practice tendering procedures are met
  • Ensure value for money
  • Produce tender documents that are fair and reasonable and that reflect and meet service needs
  • Provide economic and efficient service administration and procurement auditing procedures
  • Encourage a partnering approach in which both the council and the supplier seek to gain maximum mutual advantage through successful relationships and continuous improvement
  • Reduce our existing supplier base, to maximise economies of scale and promote the development of a partnering approach whilst ensuring market stimulation and sustainability

The council is also committed to sustainable development.

Last updated: ‎15/05/2024, 10:32