Support from domestic abuse

Leaving home immediately

Separation or planning to move away from a person who is abusing you can put you at a higher risk of further harm.

Please try to speak to one of our Housing Options Officers for advice regarding all your options before leaving your home, including your legal rights.

The following national and county services could also be contacted for assistance:

  • Women's Aid
    Women's Aid is the key national charity in England for women and children experiencing physical, sexual or emotional abuse in their homes. Freephone 24/7 National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000247

  • Helpline and Engagement Service - provided by Free from Violence and Abuse (FREEVA)
    FREEVA offer a range of services for victims of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (DA/SV). They are the ‘front door’ into any domestic/sexual abuse and will complete an initial support, advice and assessment to access DA/SV support across Leicestershire. As appropriate service users will receive further ongoing support from relevant services (including one-to-one, groupwork both face to face and via digital platforms, refuge and dispersed accommodation)
    Telephone: 0808 8020028
  • Leicestershire Safe Accommodation Support Service – provided by Women’s Aid Leicestershire Limited (WALL)
    WALL are the local refuge support specialist service providers offering refuge accommodation to those affected by domestic/sexual violence that requires emergency accommodation to flee to a place of safety. Further information can be found by visiting women's aid Leicestershire (

If you are planning to leave, if it is safe to do so, things to take with you are your mobile phone, any important paperwork (birth certificates, passport/s, marriage certificates, benefit letters, prescriptions, children’s favourite toys), money/bank cards, a change of clothes, toiletries, and any medication you need to take regularly.

Last updated: 15/05/2024 12:00