When we can help you pay for two homes

How to apply

If you think that you will qualify for some help towards your rent and you come under any of the circumstances stated, please complete our application form. Your application may be delayed if you cannot provide all of the information we request.

When you apply, we will ask you to tell us:

  • Your date of birth
  • Your national insurance number
  • The address of both properties
  • Your contact details: name, address, email address and telephone number
  • The reason why you want to claim housing benefit on two homes
  • The date you moved
  • Proof of the date you will be charged rent up to*

*If you are applying for benefits on two homes due to a fear of violence or an unavoidable overlap you will be asked to provide proof of the date you will be charged rent up to. You can upload this proof in the online form.

You can apply online:

Payment of benefit on two homes

Alternatively, complete our benefits contact form to request a paper application form which you can complete and return to us.

Last updated: ‎09/05/2024 10:24