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Under occupancy

Under occupancy - what is it and will it affect me?

Housing benefit reductions for spare bedrooms

If you live in a council or housing association home and you have one or more 'spare' bedrooms, your housing benefit may be reduced. This is called 'under occupancy' or 'the bedroom tax'.

The rules restrict the size of accommodation you can receive housing benefit for, based on the number of people in your household.

This may affect you:

  • If you live in a council or housing association property
  • If you are aged between 16 and below pensionable age (currently classed as 'working age')
  • Even if you get a small amount of benefit and you are working
  • If you are of working age but are sick or disabled

But you won't be affected if:

  • You or your partner are state pension age
  • You live in a one-bedroom flat or bedsit
  • You have a shared ownership property
  • You live in supported exempt accommodation
  • You pay boat mooring charges or caravan site rent
  • You have been placed in temporary accommodation by the council as you are homeless

Foster carers and people with adult children in the army are allowed an extra room. Find out more about foster carers and the armed forces

Last updated: 13/03/2024 08:42