Waste free living


  • When giving gifts, why not give vouchers this year? Try giving gift experience vouchers, membership to organisations such as National Forest or cinema tickets. The nice thing about this is there's virtually no wrapping to deal with (recycle or reuse that envelope)
  • Try to avoid buying things that rely on disposable parts, including batteries. Always look for alternatives, like a coffee maker with a washable filter rather than throwaway paper ones, or rechargeable batteries, with a solar powered charger
  • Stop Junk Mail. Every tonne of junk mail produced uses: 17 trees, 7,000 gallons of water and 390 gallons of oil. Help save these precious resources by signing up with the Mail Preference Service (MPS). This is a free service that helps to reduce the amount of unwanted mail you receive. For more information on the Mail Preference Service (mpsonline.org.uk)
  • Sign up to online billing. If you have access to the internet ask your bank and utility providers if you can sign up for online service to reduce the amount of paper you receive through the post
  • Use your local library. It's not just books you can borrow these days. Libraries now hire DVDs and CDs. There is even a Hinckley & District toy library. Save money and packaging by borrowing instead of buying. To find your nearest library visit Leicestershire libraries (leicestershire.gov.uk)
  • Consider the packaging. For example, Easter produces an extra 3,000 tonnes of waste in the UK every year, which is mainly due to the excess packaging of chocolate Easter eggs. Last year the average chocolate egg took up only 40% of the volume of the packaging it was sold in, highlighting how choosing an egg with reduced packaging will cut down on Leicestershire's waste this Easter

Last updated: 20/05/2024 13:40