Waste free living


  • Try reusable nappies. 95 disposable nappies end up in landfill every second in the UK. Using washable nappies not only saves waste, but could also save up to £500 from birth to potty. Visit the Nappies - making an informed choice pages of our website for more details
  • If you have things you no longer want, that other people could reuse, try using a 'gifting group'
  • If you have any leftover paint after home improvements, instead of leaving it in your garage or shed, why not donate it to a community repaint scheme (communityrepaint.org.uk)
  • Have a swap party. Invite friends over and ask each one to bring along items they no longer want such as clothes, books and CDs. You then all get to swap and come away with some great new stuff for nothing. You'll be saving items going to landfill and having fun too. This is a great idea to organise after Christmas to swap any unwanted gifts
  • Use reusable bags. Avoid picking up plastic carrier bags when out shopping by taking your own reusable bags. Keep a stash of bags in the car boot so you don't get caught out on a last minute trip to the supermarket
  • Get crafty; try your hand at patchwork. This is great for using up old items of clothing that are too shabby for the charity shop. Cut the clothes into small pieces and stitch the patches together to make bags, purses, pincushions or even a quilt
  • Upcycling is a great way to breathe new life into old items. Find crafty ways to revamp old furniture, such as shabby chic styles or by adding decoupage for a brand-new look. Upcycling is the art of transforming by-products, waste materials or unwanted items into something of greater use or value, which is much better for the environment. There are many independent upcycling websites that offer great ideas to get you going

Last updated: 20/05/2024 13:40