Severely mentally impaired

Guidance notes

Who can apply?

Someone who has been diagnosed with a mental impairment which appears to be permanent can apply for this discount or exemption.

To qualify for the severely mentally impaired exemption for your council tax, the applicant must provide a certificate from their doctor* and be in receipt of one of the following benefits, allowance or pension:

  • Incapacity benefit under section 30A of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992 (SSCB)
  • Attendance allowance (under section 64 SSCB Act)
  • Severe disablement allowance (under Section 68 SSCB Act)
  • The care component of a disability living allowance payable either at the highest rate or at the middle rate (under Sections 71 and 72 SSCB Act)
  • The standard or enhanced rate of daily living component of the Personal Independance payment 
  • An increase in the rate of disablement pension (under Section 104 of the SSCB Act)
  • A disability working allowance under Section 129 SSCB Act for which the qualifying Benefit is:
    • one falling under subsection (2)(a)(i) or (ii), or
    • income support, and the applicable amount formerly payable included a disability premium
  • An unemployability supplement under Part 1 of Schedule 7, SSCB Act
  • A constant attendance allowance under article 14 of the Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme 1983 or article 14, Naval, Military and Air Forces etc. (Disablement & Death) Service Pensions Order 1983
  • An unemployability allowance under article 18 of either of the provisions referred to above
  • Income support where the applicable amount includes a disability premium
  • Incapacity benefit under Sections 40 and 41 of the SSCB 1992
  • Universal credit (limited capability for work/work related activity) element.

*When you apply for this exemption, we will provide you with a certificate to take to your doctor to complete. Please note, we will email this to you if you apply using our online form.

What reduction will I receive?

Your reduction in your council tax bill depends on the number of people who are eligible to pay council tax (liable adults) who live in your property:

  • If there are two or more adults and one severely mentally impaired person: there is no discount
  • If there is one adult and one severely mentally impaired person: there is a 25% discount
  • If there is one adult who is severely mentally impaired: a full exemption will be granted

Who should complete the application form?

Each person named on the bill.

What additional information do I need to supply with my application form?

  1. A copy of the letter you receive from the Department of Work and Pension which confirms which particular allowance, benefit or pension you are claiming showing the earliest date the claim has been in payment from
  2. A completed certificate from a doctor

What should I do about paying my council tax before my application has been assessed?

The bills previously issued to you must be regarded as correct and due for payment as requested.

What should I do if the circumstances change at this address?

The discount will end either on the person’s 20 birthday or on the next 1 November, whichever comes first.

What should I do if the payment of child benefit comes to an end?

Notify us, the council tax billing authority, within 21 days of the change occurring.

When will my discount or exemption start?

On the understanding that your doctor has confirmed your status, the discount/exemption will begin from the date that the relevant benefit you are claiming started being paid. For example, if the doctor confirms that you have been severely mentally impaired from 1 April 2008 and your benefit letter states the allowance has been in payment from 1 June 2008 then the discount or exemption would be granted from 1 June 2008.

What should I do if my application is rejected?

You may appeal against our decision by writing to us at:
The Leicestershire Partnership
Benefits Section
PO Box 10004
LE10 9EJ

Or complete our council tax contact form

If this is unsuccessful you will be advised as to how you can make a formal appeal to the Valuation Tribunal Service

Further information

If you have any other queries regarding this discount, please complete our council tax contact form or telephone us on 01455 238141.

Last updated: 10/04/2024 12:47