Hygiene and food safety

Domestic hygiene

Poorly designed, constructed or maintained homes can result in:

  • Poor domestic hygiene
  • Potential pest infestations
  • Problems associated with inadequate or unhygienic storage and disposal of refuse

Ensure external cracks, unprotected holes or voids are repaired or adequately covered. Soil, waste drainage and central heating pipework fittings should be sealed and in good repair.

Internally the roof and under floor space should be sealed off from the main living area but with means of access for treatments of pests should infestation occur.

Floors and internal surfaces should be smooth, even and free from damage. They should be kept clean to prevent the build-up of dust and dirt.

Adequate facilities should be provided for the safe storage, preparation and cooking of food.

Poor facilities and damaged work surfaces increase the risk of food cross-contamination and impair the effectiveness of cleansing, raising the likelihood of bacteria and viruses,  which may cause illness from mild food poisoning to gastro-intestinal disease.

Kitchens should be in good repair with washable surfaces, adequate lighting and ventilation.

There should be access to a sink with a separate supply of hot and cold water, sufficient cupboards for storage, adequate worktop for food preparation with spaces for a cooker and a fridge.

Last updated: ‎17/04/2024 11:23