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Regulation 18 Consultation 2024

The Regulation 18 Consultation (including the consultation documents)

What is this consultation all about?

From Wednesday 31 July to Friday 27 September 2024, we asked for your views on the Regulation 18 draft version of the Local Plan.

This latest consultation document built upon previous consultations, incorporating views received and new evidence collected since those consultations.

We also published a Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report. This was the first stage of the Sustainability Appraisal and will be updated at each stage to ensure the potential social, environmental and economic effects of the Plan are appropriately considered and inform the Local Plan.

The purpose of this consultation was to present the emerging position with the focus mainly on strategic local planning issues. The draft Plan contained proposed strategic level development site allocations (over 500 dwellings or one hectare of employment land), proposed major residential development site allocations (101 to 499 dwellings) and a suite of draft strategic policies to support them. We sought comments and responses to these strategic key aspects of the emerging Local Plan to continue to refine and shape the final strategy and policies in the Plan. The remaining non-strategic development site allocations (residential sites below 100 dwellings and employment sites below one hectare) and non-strategic planning policies will follow in the Regulation 19 version of the Plan.

We are still finalising key pieces of evidence and/or new pieces that have been necessary following the recent changes to national planning policy such as highway modelling, infrastructure capacity, whole plan viability, habitat survey and an updated strategic flood risk assessment. Therefore, there is still some uncertainty about a number of issues which means that some of the proposed allocations and draft policies may be subject to change/modification/replacement in the Regulation 19 version of the Plan. These uncertainties meant that we really wanted to hear the views of residents, community groups, stakeholders, businesses and other interested parties on these issues and of potential alternative approaches to meeting our identified needs as set out in the Plan.

Where can I view the Regulation 18 Local Plan documents?

The consultation is now closed, as of 5pm on Friday 27 September 2024. 

You can still access the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan (2020-2041) and the five appendices below:

You can also access other new relevant evidence base documents and topic papers published, as listed below:

How can I respond to this consultation?

This consultation is now closed and you can no longer respond. 

Any comments submitted after 5pm on Friday 27 September 2024 will not be accepted.

Please note that as required by legislation, consultation responses will be made public as part of the preparation of the Local Plan making process, and we will keep your details on our consultation database for future reference. Your contact details will be protected under data protection legislation but your name and any comments you make will be publicly viewable.

I have further questions, where can I find out more?

Visit frequently asked questions, which includes answers to common questions such as what will happen to your consultation response. 

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Last updated: 04/10/2024 10:54