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Regulation 18 Consultation 2024

Frequently asked questions (including the schedule of consultation events)

Was I able to speak to a planning officer before responding?

The Planning Policy Team hosted eight in-person consultation events, details of which are below:

  • Newbold Verdon Library (date: Thursday 15 August 2024, time: 4pm to 7pm)
  • Earl Shilton Library (date: Thursday 29 August 2024, time: 2pm to 5pm) 
  • The Methodist Church, 31 Station Road, Ratby (date: Thursday 22 August 2024, time: 4pm to 7pm)
  • Hollycroft School, Hinckley (date: Wednesday 4 September 2024, time: 4pm to 7pm)
  • Higham on the Hill Methodist Church (date: Tuesday 10 September 2024, time: 4pm to 7pm) 
  • The Black Horse, Market Bosworth (date: Saturday 14 September 2024, time: 10am to 12:30pm)
  • Millennium Hall, Burbage (date: Saturday 14 September 2024, time: 2pm to 4:30pm)
  • Hinckley Hub, Hinckley (date: Wednesday 18 September 2024, time: 4pm to 7pm)

Officers were also available via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 18 September 2024 from 4pm to 7pm. A unique Microsoft Teams meeting joining link was provided at booking confirmation stage. Please note, acceptance of a booking slot was subject to agreement to the meeting being recorded. 

If you were not able to attend any of the above dates and times, but you still wanted to arrange a one-on-one conversation with a planning officer, individual requests were able to be made to the Planning Policy Team.

Where could I access a hard copy of the consultation documents?

We made the document and supporting evidence available online, as well as hard copies located at the Hinckley Hub and all libraries across the borough (access subject to opening hours).

Hard copies were sent to all parish councils in the borough, alongside copies of posters which contain the consultation details, intended to be displayed on public notice boards, parish council office windows, or wherever they thought was most appropriate in their community.

Hard copies could also be sent out directly to individuals or organisations on a request basis (subject to fees and charges). If you would like to request a hard copy, please contact Planning Policy: Planning Policy contact form

How have we spread the word about this consultation?

A regular communication strategy was arranged to publicise and get people talking about the draft Local Plan, including:

  • Press releases
  • An article in the summer/autumn edition of the Borough Bulletin
  • A schedule of social media posts through the duration of the consultation
  • A home page advert on this website

We shared several articles across a number of the council’s newsletters. If you are not currently a recipient of any of the newsletters prepared by the Borough Council and you would like to be involved, you can sign up to the newsletter

Notification and an invitation to comment was also sent directly to all neighbourhood planning groups, parish councils, as well as all individuals and organisations on the Borough Council’s Local Plan database via their preferred contact method of email or post.

If you would like to add new contact details to the Borough Council’s Local Plan database, or update or remove existing contact details, please submit your request here.

What will happen to my consultation response?

All representations received as part of this Regulation 18 consultation are being logged and summarised, and a brief response provided in order for us to produce a report of consultation. This report will detail the number of representations received, the nature of such representations and how they will inform or alter the Local Plan going forward to the next stage of plan preparation.  

This report of consultation will be made available during the next stage of statutory plan consultation and will, in due course, be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate once the Plan is submitted for Examination in Public (EiP).

What are the next steps?

Following this consultation, the plan will be revised and subject to further sustainability appraisal, and remaining elements of evidence finalised.

A Regulation 19 submission draft Local Plan will be prepared for further consultation, prior to submission to the Secretary of State for Examination in Public (EiP). 

The Borough Council’s latest Local Development Scheme (LDS) was published in February 2024. The LDS provides more detailed information on the project plan for preparing and eventually adopting the Local Plan. This document can be viewed below:

Is the Borough Council's call for sites still open?

The Borough Council opened a new call for sites as part of this consultation (over the consultation period), however this has now closed. 

This call for sites was restricted to sites proposed for general employment use only. The call for sites was not open for any other land uses, such as residential. 

You can find out more in the next section: Employment land call for sites

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Last updated: 04/10/2024 12:13