Regulation 18 Consultation 2024

Employment land Call for Sites

What is a Call for Sites?

The Call for Sites is an opportunity for anyone to suggest sites for development to the Borough Council. The sites are then assessed in the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) and/or considered for inclusion on the Brownfield Land Register. All submissions will inform preparation of the new Local Plan.

Why are we opening an employment Call for Sites?

Since this Regulation 18 Local Plan was prepared and presented to full Council on 16 July 2024, for a resolution to consult, a further update to the Employment Land and Premises Study (ELPS) has been made following a review of the underlying data. You can access the latest ELPS below:

This review indicated that the Borough Council should seek to allocate additional land for general employment, above the figure set out in draft Policy SP02, amounting to a further 33ha. Rather than delay consultation on the plan to address this shortfall now, this will be deferred to the following Regulation 19 version of the plan due early next year. To assist with this, we are conducting a further employment land Call for Sites as part of this consultation.

What sites are we looking for?

This Call for Sites will be restricted to sites proposed for general employment use only. 

The Call for Sites is not open for any other land uses. Any sites submitted for non-employment land uses will not be accepted at this stage. 

How can sites be submitted?

Any new employment sites must be submitted from 9am on Wednesday 31 July to 5pm on Friday 27 September 2024. Further information about this employment land Call for Sites and the process to be followed to make a submission can be found on the Borough Council’s SHELAA webpage.

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Last updated: 01/08/2024 15:20