Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA)

SHELAA overview

The Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) is an evidence-based document to inform the plan-making process.

The main role of the SHELAA is to:

  • Identify sites and broad locations with potential for development
  • Assess their development potential
  • Assess their suitability for development and the likelihood of development coming forward (the availability and achievability)

The document has been prepared in line with the Leicestershire authorities' joint methodology, as well as Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council’s own methodology which can be found below:

Overall, the purpose of the SHELAA is to form part of the evidence required for the Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Local Plan in line with national policy requirements. A SHELAA report is not a decision-making document, and it does not in itself determine whether or not a site should be granted planning permission or allocated for development.

Call for sites

The purpose of the 'call for sites' is to provide an opportunity for anyone to submit a site to us for consideration for allocation and future development as part of the preparation of our local plan. This will help to ensure that sufficient land supply is available across the borough to meet our development needs.

Landowners and interested parties can put forward new sites within the borough that may have potential development. Depending on when a site is put forward, your site will start to be assessed within the relevant SHELAA report as follows:

  • The cut-off for inclusion within the SHELAA 2022 was 31 May 2022
  • Any sites submitted after 31 May 2022 but before 31 May 2024 will be assessed within a future SHELAA review
  • Any sites submitted during the Regulation 18 Consultation between 31 July to 27 September will also be assessed within a future SHELAA review 

Local Plan Review 2020 to 2041

The Regulation 18 Local Plan consultation is open from Wednesday 31 July 2024, to 5pm Friday 27 September 2024. Since the Regulation 18 Local Plan was prepared and presented to Full Council on 16 July 2024, a further update to the Employment Land and Premises Study (ELPS) has been made following a review the underlying data. More information on this can be found by accessing the consultation web page below:

This review indicated that the Borough Council should seek to allocate additional land for general employment. Rather than delay the consultation, the council is conducting a further employment land Call for Sites as part of the consultation.

What sites are we looking for?

This Call for Sites will be restricted to sites proposed for general employment use only. The Call for Sites is not open for any other land uses at this time. Any sites submitted for other uses will not be accepted at this stage.

How can new sites be submitted?

Any new employment sites must be submitted from 9am on Wednesday 31 July to 5pm on Friday 27 September 2024 (the consultation period).

Before you suggest a site, please read our methodology, which is linked above.

If you think your site is suitable and you would like us to consider your site for allocation and future development as part of the preparation of our local plan, please complete our online form.

To suggest a new site, we ask for:

  • Your details
  • Landowner details
  • Site details: potential uses and constraints
  • Site location plan (site boundary identified by a red line)
  • A plan identifying the extent of the brownfield proportion of the site (if the site is also to be considered for the brownfield register)

Suggest a site

Alternatively, complete our planning policy contact form to request a paper application form which you can complete and return to us.

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Last updated: 08/08/2024 15:30