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Warm welcome provision grant fund

Guidance notes

Guidance notes

Please read the following guidance notes before making an application.

Organisation eligibility

The organisation must:

  • Be a voluntary community sector (VCS) or not-for-profit organisation (town or parish councils are not eligible)
  • Have a constitution, set of rules, or articles of association and can confirm legal status
  • Have a bank account in the name of the organisation with more than one signatory not related or co-habiting and have available the most recent bank statement or paying-in slip
  • Have the appropriate policies and procedures in place to support the delivery of the project


  • Grant funding can only be used to support associated costs in respect of providing a warm welcome provision. Examples may include energy costs linked to the delivery of the project, food and refreshment costs, improving and/or enhancing an area within the warm welcome provision, start of a new activity including costs for equipment to support the activity
  • The warm welcome provision must operate within the borough of Hinckley and Bosworth
  • The warm welcome provision must be offered for a minimum of eight hours a month, for a minimum of four months during the period October 2024 and March 2025
  • The warm welcome provision must be open to the general public and not refused on grounds of gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, occupation, religious, political or other beliefs
  • You must complete and return a grant monitoring form when requested

What will not be funded:

  • Salary costs
  • Applications for retrospective funding. (Such as expenditure incurred prior to the approval of the grant)
  • Double funding where funding has been obtained from alternative sources for the same thing


The recipients of this grant fund must acknowledge the Borough Council’s support in any marketing publicity.

Application process

To apply for a warm welcome provision grant, please complete the online grant application form.

During your application, we will ask of you to upload:

  • A copy of your most recent bank statement or paying in slip
  • Your constitution, set of rules or articles of association
  • Policies or procedures your organisation has in place (for example public liability insurance, safeguarding policy, health and safety and food hygiene awareness to support the project)

If you require any advice around ensuring your warm welcome location provides a safe environment for your volunteers and the public, please contact or telephone 07557 816741.

Once we receive your application, we will apply the agreed scoring protocols and advise you of the outcome by email or letter.


Successful grant applicants will receive a single payment of £1,500 by bank transfer only.

Monitoring report on activity delivered

Successful grant applicants must keep monthly records of:

  • How the warm welcome provision was delivered
  • How many sessions were delivered during the period
  • How many volunteer hours were gained in the delivery of the provision (for example how many volunteers are involved and what was their time commitment)
  • The number of residents who have benefitted from your project (if available a breakdown of adults and children)
  • The number of households supported to take up energy efficiency measures
  • The additional support that has been provided to residents
  • The agencies which were signposted to or referred to

General conditions:

  • The grant must be spent before March 2025
  • If an organisation does not use the grant for the purposes for which it was awarded, the council may seek to reclaim some or the entire grant awarded.

Further guidance and support

Developing your project

If you require support about project development, policies and procedures, safeguarding or alternative funding sources, please contact

Martin Lewis: Setting up a 'warm space'

You may also find Martin Lewis' new guide to setting up a warm welcome facility in your community useful: