Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Development Plan

Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan Review 2024

The making of the reviewed plan

This version of the neighbourhood plan supersedes the 2022 version, and now forms part of the development plan for Hinckley and Bosworth. The policies in the plan will be given full weight when assessing planning applications that affect land covered by the plan. The relevant documents for the making of the plan can be found below:

Regulation 17 Examination

Louise Brooke-Smith was appointed to examine the submitted neighbourhood plan review, the examination commenced at the end of February 2024. The Examiner's Report and the Borough Council's Modification Table issued as part of the Regulation 18 Decision Statement are below:

Regulation 16 Consultation

Stoke Golding parish has prepared review submission documents which were the subject of public consultation, from Wednesday 8 November to Wednesday 20 December 2023. 

You can download the neighbourhood plan review submission version documents below:

You can also download the acceptance of submission letter by Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council (HBBC):

Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council submitted representations to this consultation, and you can view these comments and a summary of all representations received by downloading the documents below:

For further information, please visit 2023 Revisions (

Regulation 14 Consultation

Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan Group published proposed modifications to the 'made' plan in March 2022 and undertook their Regulation 14 Pre-Submission consultation from 9 May 2023 to 20 June 2023. Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council submitted representations to this consultation, and you can view these comments by downloading the document below:

Strategic environmental assessment screening determination

The purpose of a screening statement is to set out a screening opinion in relation to whether a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process is required to accompany the development of a neighbourhood plan. The Borough Council has issued a SEA screening opinion report and determination in relation to the draft Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan Review. The screening determination is that a strategic environmental assessment and habitat regulations assessment of the Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan Review is not required. This decision is made because there are no adverse comments from the statutory consultation bodies and for the reasons set out in the Stoke Golding strategic environmental assessment screening report:

Privacy notice: In accordance with Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, the council has a legitimate interest to process information during this consultation period. Together with your comments, it will be used as part of the statutory plan making process and will be available for public inspection. Signatures, email addresses and telephone numbers will be removed before disclosure as a matter of course. We cannot provide anonymity or accept comments marked ‘private or confidential’ and comments that include offensive, racist, discriminatory, threatening and other non-relevant statements will be destroyed.

Last updated: 05/03/2025 10:29