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Desford Neighbourhood Development Plan
Desford Neighbourhood Plan 2021 – including Regulation 16, examination and referendum
Desford referendum election results
The Neighbourhood Plan was successful at referendum on Thursday, 6 May 2021, securing a positive majority vote. The final vote breakdown and turnout can be seen on the results page below:
As a result, a referendum version of the Neighbourhood Plan was made, as per Regulation 19 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) and the Borough Council’s scheme of delegation. The DNP can now be given full weight when assessing planning applications within the neighbourhood area. The Desford Neighbourhood Plan 2021 and the Regulation 19 Statement can be viewed below:
- Desford Neighbourhood Plan (made version – May 2021)
- Regulation 19 statement - Making of the Desford Neighbourhood Plan
Following the publication of the decision statement (Regulation 18) by the Borough Council, the Desford Neighbourhood Plan referendum took place on Thursday, 6 May 2021.
The question asked in the Referendum was ‘Do you want Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Desford Parish to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’
The specified documents for the referendum can be viewed below:
- Desford Neighbourhood Plan referendum version (November 2020)
- Desford Neighbourhood Plan Report of Examination
- Referendum information statement for 6 May 2021
- Information statement - general information on planning
- Desford Neighbourhood Plan basic conditions and compliance statement
- Desford Neighbourhood Plan summary of representations to Regulation 16
- Desford Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 18 decision statement
- Desford Neighbourhood Plan modifications table
Timothy Jones was appointed on 24 February 2020 to independently examine the Draft DNP. The examination involved the consideration of written submissions and an unaccompanied detailed site visit by the Examiner on 7 April 2020.
The Examiner issued the guidance and directions document on 8 April 2020, where he sought further information in response to the questions set out in Appendix 1. You can view the associated document and responses below:
- Examiner guidance and directions
- The Borough Council response to the Examiner
- Desford Parish Council response to the Examiner
- Avison Young response to the Examiner, on behalf of Jelson Limited
- Pegasus Group response to the Examiner, on behalf of Davison’s Developments
The report of the examination into the Desford Neighbourhood Plan 2018 – 2036 was issued to the Borough Council and Desford Parish Council on 7 August 2020. The Examiner recommended that the Draft DNP be modified in the terms specified in Appendix A. You can download the report of the examination below:
The Examiner recommended that the modified NDP proceed to a referendum, the referendum area being the area of the Draft DNP.
Regulation 16 submission consultation
The final version of the Draft DNP, prepared on behalf of Desford Parish Council, was submitted to the Borough Council and was the subject of consultation. Letters and emails were issued to all those consulted in the previous stages of the process.
You can view the DNP and supporting documents below or by visiting the Desford Parish Council website (desfordparishcoucil.co.uk). Hard copies were made available at Hinckley Hub and Desford Library at the time of the consultation.
Comments on the draft DNP were invited between Wednesday 22 January 2020 to 5pm Wednesday 4 March 2020. Comments can no longer be submitted as the consultation has now closed. However, you can view the DNP consultation document, and all supporting documents, below:
- Desford Neighbourhood Plan submission version December 2019
- Desford Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 15 submission letter
- Desford Neighbourhood Plan basic conditions statement
- Desford Neighbourhood Plan consultation statement
- Map of Desford Neighbourhood Plan designated area
- Desford Parish Council draft minutes 18 December 2019
- Desford Neighbourhood Plan final strategic environmental assessment (SEA) Report
All other supporting documents can be found on the Desford Parish Council website.
If you require the documents in any other format, please get in touch with the Planning Policy Team.
Upon completion of the publicity and consultation stage, all comments were forwarded to the Neighbourhood Plan Examiner appointed by the local planning authority (Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council) and Desford Parish Council. The Regulation 16 responses are published below:
- Summary of Regulation 16 submission consultation responses
- Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council
- Sport England
- Natural England
- Historic England
- The Coal Authority
- Market Bosworth Parish Council
- Avison Young for National Grid
- Highways England
- Persimmon Homes
- Landmark Planning
- Leicestershire County Council
- Pegasus on behalf of Davidsons part one
- Pegasus on behalf of Davidsons part two
- Severn Trent
- Gladman
- Avison Young on behalf of Jelson
- The Environment Agency
Privacy notice
All comments are made available, and identifiable by name and organisation (where applicable) to the appointed examiner, local planning authority (Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council), and Desford Parish Council. Please note that any personal information will be processed by the council in line with the Article 6(1)(e) of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.
Last updated: 27/03/2024 14:00