Listen to this page
Select 'Listen to this page' (at the top of each page) to display the ReachDeck toolbar. As well as using this toolbar to get the page read out to you, this toolbar offers several other features, listed below.
Text to speech: starts reading the page out loud from where you select. Switch between hover and click in the settings menu.
Play: reads out the text from the top of the page.
Select text and play (mobile).
Stop: stops reading and clears highlights on the page.
Translation: provides written and spoken translations in multiple languages.
Picture dictionary: select text in page and then click on this icon to get a picture definition.
MP3: select text in the page and get it converted into an MP3.
Screen mask: blocks distractions on screen with a tinted mask, allowing you to focus on a specific section of the screen.
Magnifies text: enlarge text as it is read out loud.
Simplify: removes clutter from the screen, displaying only the main text.
Help: shows a help page that explains the purpose of each icon in toolbar.