Online services unavailable

Due to annual billing, business rates online services will be unavailable 17 to 24 February. Council tax and benefits online services will be unavailable 20 to 24 February. Sorry for any inconvenience

Licensing Act 2003 - hearings

Hearing summary

If you don't think a new premises licence or club premises certificate, or a major variation to an existing one, should be granted and have made a written relevant representation objecting to an alcohol licence, you will be invited to a hearing. You can appoint someone to represent you at the hearing (that is, your local councillor; there are three for each ward) as long as they do not sit on our Licensing Committee.

The Licensing Sub-committee (three elected members of the council) will listen to all parties at the hearing and decide whether to grant the licence or certificate.

Last updated: ‎16‎/‎07‎/‎2024‎ ‎15‎:‎44‎