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Licensing Act 2003 - hearings
Hearings procedure
Before the hearing
Where valid representations/objections are received about a new licence or a major variation, the Licensing Team must arrange a hearing in front of a licensing sub-committee to determine the application.
If you make a representation (objection), then, in the interests of fairness, your name and address will be disclosed to the applicant and will be included or summarised in the report to the Licensing Sub-committee.
You must specifically tell us if you do not wish your name and address to appear in the report to the Licensing Sub-committee, which is a public document.
You will be sent a notice about the Licensing Sub-committee hearing and you will also be told about the procedure the sub-committee will use at the hearing.
At the hearing
At the hearing the Sub-Committee may ask you to clarify some information you have already given.
All parties will have the opportunity of putting their case to the sub-committee. They can also ask each other questions through the Chairman.
Only those persons who have made valid representations will be able to speak.
If you wish to be represented, you must notify the Licensing Team of who will be representing you and this could be, for instance, your ward councillor.
For a copy of the hearings' procedure please Contact Licensing
How to appeal a decision
If you are unhappy with the decision made by the Licensing Sub-committee, you can appeal through the Magistrates' Court. Please note, if you lose your appeal you may have to pay the costs.
Alternatively, you could wait to see if the now licensed premises is causing the problems you anticipated. If so, after a 'reasonable time' (this means 12 months, unless there are exceptional circumstances) you can ask for a review of the licence
Last updated: 16/07/2024 15:45