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Licensing Act 2003 - objections
Making an objection (representation) to a new premises licence application
Why would I want to comment?
You may wish to make representations about a new premises licence or where there are plans to amend the times or licensable activities on an existing premises licence.
You may feel that the licence will lead to an increase in crime and disorder, or late-night noise, or any other form of nuisance, or affect public safety or cause harm to children at the premises.
Who can comment?
Any person can comment on applications, regardless of how close they are to the premises. Organisations such as residents’ associations, businesses, parish councils, or ward councillors can also comment.
‘Responsible authorities’ can comment on applications. These are statutory authorities who are consulted on every application and consist of:
- The Police
- Fire and Rescue Service
- Trading Standards
- Environmental Health
- The Planning Authority
- The Licensing Authority
- The Local Safeguarding Children’s Board
- The Primary Care Trust
You can ask someone such as a friend, your ward councillor or a solicitor – to represent you if you wish, but you do not have to do so.
When do I comment?
You have a short time in which to comment.
For new licence applications and full variations, your comments must be received by the licensing authority no later than 28 days after the authority receives the application.
The licensing authority has no discretion to accept comments outside of these times, and these periods are set in the Licensing Act 2003.
Last updated: 09/04/2024 14:38