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Devolution and council reorganisation

Decision making

When and how will a decision be made?

Councils undergoing local government reorganisation need to submit an interim plan for their shared area by 21 March 2025. This interim plan can have more than one option and won’t be set in stone. Full proposals must then be submitted by 28 November 2025.

The government has said it aims to carry out public consultation around proposals for local government reorganisation in early 2026. The government expects to make its final decision by summer 2026.

Who will have the final say?

The final decision on proposals for local government reorganisation will be taken by the government.

Council leaders are responsible for holding discussions between different local authority areas, to help produce an interim plan before 21 March 2025 and full proposals by 28 November 2025. These proposals must also be supported by evidence and widespread engagement. It will then be down to the government to consult.

Other than working together to bring forward plans and proposals for their area, councils will not get a say in the government’s final decision.

Last updated: 20/02/2025 17:46