Scrap metal collector's licence


Collector's licence 

A collector's licence authorises the licensee to carry on business as a mobile collector in a specific local council area. For example, licences issued by us, Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council, authorises the licensee to carry on business in the borough of Hinckley and Bosworth. A collector’s licence does not authorise the licensee to operate a site.

To operate as a collector in several different local council areas, you will have to obtain a separate licence from each council. You can hold more than one licence issued by different local councils, but you may not hold more than one licence issued by any one council. For example, you cannot hold both a site and a collector’s licence in the same local council area.

The collector's licence must: 

  • Name the licensee
  • Name the authority
  • State the date on which the licence is due to expire

Please note, a collector's licence is required even if the material is provided free of charge, the licence is required to sell it on.

Mobile collectors

A mobile collector's licence will cover any employees working directly for your business, anyone who works for you and is self-employed will need their own collector's licence.

A mobile collector can dispose of or sell scrap metal in any local council area regardless of whether a collector’s licence is held for that area.

Under the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013, we must not issue or renew a scrap metal licence unless we are satisfied that an applicant is a suitable person to carry on business as a scrap metal dealer. 

How we decide suitability to trade

To determine this, we will consider any information that is relevant. This may include whether the applicant or site manager has:

  • Ever been convicted of a relevant offence or enforcement action
  • Had a previous refusal of a licence application or renewal
  • Been refused a relevant environmental permit
  • Had a scrap metal licence revoked
  • Demonstrated that there will be adequate procedures in place to ensure the provisions of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 are complied with

Information about any previous convictions and offences is confirmed on a basic disclosure and barring service (DBS) check (GOV.UK) obtained by an applicant for them and any other person named on the application form.

Tax checks

Since 4 April 2022, there have been new rules on tax checks that new and existing scrap metal collectors have to follow when applying for a collector's licence.

Before you apply, please read new rules on tax checks from 4 April 2022

Additional requirements

In addition to a site or collector's licence, you may need to obtain the following:

  • A waste management licence or hazardous waste licence from the Environment Agency
  • Registration of the business with the Health & Safety Executive
  • Planning permission for the use of any premises in connection with the business

Last updated:‎ ‎09‎/‎07‎/‎2024‎ ‎12‎:‎21‎