How to apply for sex shop licence

Guidance notes

Guidance notes when applying for grant or renewal of a sex shop licence

You are advised to read these notes carefully, and seek advice, if necessary, before taking any action in relation to your application. Please ensure that you fully understand the conditions of the licence before making your declaration. You must appreciate that the processing of your application may take a number of days, but you are assured that your application will be dealt with as quickly as possible.


If you have completed a paper application form, it should be returned to the licensing office with either a cheque for £1,000 made payable to Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council (HBBC), or you can pay online. Online applications come direct to the Licensing Team, and you can pay online after you have submitted your form.

You will also need to provide documents confirming the identities of all of the people included on the application form. At least two of the following types of original documents (not copies) must be provided for each person:

  • Valid European Union drivers licence
  • Birth certificate
  • Valid passport
  • A passport-like photograph which is endorsed by an independent professional who has known the individual for at least two years:
    • The endorsement should be on the back of the photograph and should read: ‘This is a true likeness of (Insert name) and that his/her signature has been written in my presence’
    • Both the applicant and the professional person, in the presence of each other, must sign the endorsement

A copy of your application will be forwarded to the Leicestershire Police and our Planning and Environmental Health teams within seven days of us receiving your application.

Public notices

You must publish an article in the local press, within seven days of applying, publicising your application and inviting comments to be submitted to the Director of Community & Planning Services within 28 days of the application. (A pro forma will be provided by us for the notice). Proof of this article being published, including the date of publication, is to be provided to Licensing.

The council will display a notice on or near the premises in question, where it can be easily seen by the public, for a period of 21 days from the date of application, inviting written comments to be submitted to the Director of Community & Planning Services within 28 days of the notice being posted.

Grant of licence

You will be informed, in writing, of any objections received regarding your application.

Following the expiry of the notice period, your application will be considered by the Licensing Committee and then your licence will either be granted, granted with conditions, in which case your licence will be issued, or rejected. If your application is rejected, the council will give, in writing, the reasons as to why this decision was made. You have the right of appeal to the magistrate’s court within 21 days of the decision of rejecting your application.

Last updated:‎ ‎07‎/‎05‎/‎2024‎ ‎16‎:‎48‎