Stray dogs
How to report a stray dog

What you can do if you are concerned that a dog is a stray
Complaints about straying dogs will be dealt with as soon as possible, depending on the availability of the Dog Warden. Consequently, it will not always be possible to respond to such complaints quickly enough to catch the dog. In such cases and if the dog concerned strays regularly, the Dog Warden will attempt to visit the area another day when the dog may again be straying. Environmental Health works in partnership with a private contractor to provide cover during the absence of the Dog Warden, to ensure that the Dog Warden Service operates effectively.
To report a contained or straying dog
Alternatively you can contact the Dog Warden by telephone or email. Our opening hours are 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Please note: Under Section 150 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, the finder of a stray dog must take it to the owner or the local authority.
Out of hours service
The council has a private contractor to provide a collection service for stray dogs found out of hours. The contractor will collect a contained dog from the property of the person who has found it but will not try to contain a dog that is straying. If you find a stray dog out of hours please telephone 01455 251137 during the following times:
- Between the hours of 5pm and 9pm Monday to Thursday
- Between 4:30pm and 9pm Friday
- Between 8:30am and 9pm Saturday and Sunday
Last updated: 06/03/2024 14:54