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Naming conventions

Building naming and numbering conventions

Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council will, wherever practically possible, work to the following conventions when naming/numbering a new property:

A new street should be numbered with the odd numbers on the left and the even numbers on the right from the entrance to the street, except in the case of a cul-de-sac, where consecutive numbering in a clockwise direction is preferable.

Private garages and similar buildings use (to house cars, for example) should not be numbered.

All numbers should be used in the proper sequence (excluding 13).

Where an existing road is extended, and it is practical to use the same road name, the numbering scheme shall also be extended.

Buildings will be numbered according to the street in which the main entrance is located.

The manipulation of addresses to create a seemingly more prestigious address or to avoid less desirable associations will not be authorised.

Buildings which have entrances on more than one street, with separate entrances leading to distinctly separate occupiers, should be numbered as per the appropriate road. Houses which have been split into flats may be excluded from this where appropriate.

The use of numbers followed by letters or fractions is allowed. For example, if a property is developed on garden land and is accessed adjacent to an existing property, then it is more convenient to add a suffix to the new property’s number rather than renumber the higher numbers in the street. Fractions should only be used where numbers are not practical or where there is an immediately local convention to do so.

Letters should only be used in conjunction with the previous number in the street. So, for example 4A should not precede number 4 in a street, it should instead be numbered 2A.

For properties on existing unnumbered roads, new properties must be officially named. Names should not replicate an existing name in that parish or repeat the name of the road.

Where a property has a name and a number, the number must always be used and displayed. The name should not be considered an alternative to the number.

Names which include a number, or sound like numbers will not be allowed. (for example, 'Two Hoots Cottage', 'Foreshore House')

Last updated: 24/05/2023 10:44