How to report fly-posting
If you suspect illegal forms of advertising, you can report this to us. When reporting fly-posting, please provide the following information:
- Location of the posters:
- Exact location - Where displayed (such as on a tree, telegraph pole, lamp post), street name, village
- What3words location - You have the option of providing a What3words location (
- Type of posting, for example: posters, stickers, banners
- Description of posters
- When you noticed the posters
- Your contact details (optional)
Alternatively, call our helpline on 01455 238141.
What is fly-posting?
Fly-posting is advertising on buildings and street furniture without the consent of the owner and is an example of anti-social behaviour.
There are three main types of fly-posting:
- Posters for local events, including adverts for bands playing in pubs or a local car boot sale
- Posters advertising products or large organisations put up by professional poster companies
- Posters displayed by pressure groups or political bodies
When these are displayed on property without the owner's consent, then they are illegal forms of advertising.
Service standard
- Where seen, we will remove immediately or within five working days of being reported
- Where signs are permanently fixed, the person responsible will be given 28 days to remove them
- Posters still in place after this time will be removed and a charge made