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Get your benefit backdated
Can I get my benefit backdated?
We may be able to backdate your housing benefit and council tax support if you can show that you have had good cause for not making your claim at an earlier date.
Benefit can be backdated:
For working age:
- One month for housing benefit
- Three months for council tax support
For pension age:
- Three months for housing benefit and council tax support
We can only consider backdating your benefit from the date we receive your request.
What is a good cause for backdating my benefit?
A good cause is any reason that stopped you from making a claim for housing benefit or council tax support earlier. You should give as much information as you can for the whole of the time you want your benefit backdated. If you have more than one reason for not claiming sooner, you must tell us about all those reasons.
Here are some examples of 'good cause' that we would consider to backdate your claim:
- The death of a close relative
- You or a member of your household was in hospital, seriously ill, under stress or under emotional pressure which led to a delay in making your claim
- You were given wrong or misleading information from an official person, for example, council officers, the Department for Works and Pensions or an advice agency
- You have problems communicating or understanding and there is no one to help you
- You were waiting for a decision on another benefit
These are not the only reasons we will treat as being a good cause for backdating a claim. Each application will be looked at on its own merit.
These are some reasons which on their own are not normally considered as good cause for backdating an application:
- Having arrears of council tax or rent and you need the council tax support or housing benefit to pay them
- Mislaying or forgetting to post the application form
- Not claiming because you thought you would not qualify
Again, each claim will be looked at separately and the more information you can give us the better.
Last updated: 07/11/2024 12:30